
Sciatica the reasons, symptoms, treatment



A very common condition that often affects people aged 30-50 years, although the first symptoms of the disease may appear in the 20 years of age.

Sciatic nerve pain is the name given to any type of pain that causes irritation or pressure on the sciatic nerve.

It is manifested by pain in the lower back. Pain tends to increase, affecting large areas of the back and legs.


It is a large nerve that descends from the lower back to each leg, controlling the muscles behind the knee and in the leg, and sensually innervating the back of the thigh, part of the leg and the soles of the foot.

The patient with sciatic nerve pain feels pain, weakness, numbness or tingling. This can start in the lower back and then extend to the leg, calf, foot or even toes. This is usually on one side of the body.

It seems that the term sciatic pain or sciatica has not changed its concept recently from what the ancients knew, it was defined by Kahhal (650 AD) (as a pain that starts from the hip joint and descends from behind the thigh and may extend over the heel and the longer it lasts, the more it descends and ends to the end of the foot from behind the heel from the lateral side between the leg bone and the tendon).


The spine protects the spinal cord and nerves that go all over the body.

The vertebrae of the spine are connected to each other by articular surfaces. There are soft discs separating the vertebrae. These discs allow the spine to bend and twist.

The discs act as cushions between the vertebrae, absorbing shocks and vibrations caused by walking or running.

Nerves branch from the spinal cord into various organs and muscles, including the muscles of the arms and legs.

Nerves transmit instructions from the brain to muscles, organs, and limbs.

When the brain commands body parts to move or something else, it is the nerves that carry it.

Nerves also transmit sensations (such as pain) from different parts of the body to the brain.

Many nerves gather in the lower part of the spinal cord, forming the sciatic nerve that runs through the pelvis and buttocks down to the back of each leg.

The sciatic nerve controls the muscles behind the knee and leg, transmitting sensations to most parts of the leg.


Sciatic nerve pain is caused by a problem with the sciatic nerve itself. But the problem often lies in one of the nerves of the lower part of the spinal cord, the nerves that make up the sciatic nerve.

Many conditions can cause irritation and inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Sciatic nerve pain can result from:

·  A herniated disc, also called a sliding or torn disc. This condition is more common in young people. We say of a disc that it is herniated when part of the center of the disk, or the center of the entire disk, protrudes into the outer periphery of the disk.

The protruding disc can then press on one of the nerves below the spinal cord that together forms the sciatic nerve. This condition results in pain, numbness, numbness or weakness in the leg.

·  Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal. It causes pressure on the nerves below the spinal cord. This pressure causes sciatic nerve pain.

Pear syndrome is a rare disease that occurs when the piriformis muscle presses or irritates the sciatic nerve. The piriformis muscle is a narrow muscle in the buttocks or buttocks.

·      Injury to the pelvis or sciatic nerve can cause sciatic nerve pain.

·     Tumors that grow near the sciatic nerve can press on the nerve, causing pain. Sciatic nerve pain can also be caused by nerve damage caused by aging.

·     The occurrence of roughness of the vertebrae, which leads to the appearance of bone growths over the years of life, presses on the nerves and causes sciatica. They appear in the elderly and the symptoms of the onset of the disease are less severe and appear slowly, increasing when standing or walking and disappearing when sitting.

The cause may be genetic and result in a weakening of the lumbar cartilage, which leads to a rapid occurrence of a herniated disc.

·    Too much sitting due to the nature of work, for example, or bending over for long periods of time may be the cause of the onset of the disease.

In many cases, we can't figure out what's causing sciatic nerve pain.


Symptoms of sciatic nerve pain are pain, weakness, numbness or tingling sensation.

Sciatic nerve pain can begin in the lower back and then descend to the leg, calf, foot and even toes.

The pain is usually on one side of the body. But it can appear on both sides, especially if the cause is spinal canal stenosis.

Sciatic nerve pain can begin suddenly, but is often gradual. It may last several weeks.

The patient may also feel a painful muscle spasm, or even a burning sensation or tingling sensation. The patient may feel pain in one area and numbness in another.

There are some actions that increase the severity of sciatic nerve pain, depending on the cause of the pain.

The pain can increase by standing or sitting, as well as by coughing or laughing. Sometimes, the pain increases at night.

If the herniated disc is severe, it affects the nerve vertebrae and may lead to problems and lack of control over urination and defecation.

When to see your doctor:

Most people find that their hip pain ends naturally within a few days or weeks. However, see your doctor if:

You experience any other symptoms along with pain in your back and leg, such as weight loss or loss of bowel or bladder control.

• You increasingly experience more pain and discomfort.

• The pain was too severe to manage with self-help measures.

In these cases, your doctor should check if a more serious problem is causing the pain.


Your doctor asks about symptoms to diagnose sciatic nerve pain and uses a physical exam to check for signs of weakness and pain.

Your doctor may order some laboratory tests to rule out other diseases, including blood tests, X-rays, MRI or other imaging tests.

No further tests are needed unless the pain is severe or persistent for a long time.


Sciatic nerve pain improves over time and in some cases goes untreated. But there are multiple ways to control pain.

Treatment of sciatic nerve pain aims to reduce irritation and inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Home treatment:

·         Ginger: Ginger contributes significantly to reducing nerve pain and therefore it is considered a good treatment for sciatica, and it can be used by mixing two tablespoons of ginger with a teaspoon of lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of sesame oil mixed well and the affected area is massaged twice a day.

Willow plant: The scales of this plant contain a substance called salicin, a substance that has the ability to treat sciatica. It can be used by taking a spoonful of bark and added to a cup of boiling water and left for 15 minutes and then filtered and drunk twice a day

·      Drink plenty of water: The body must be kept hydrated so that it can reduce inflammation and nourish the nerves, and the most important thing that helps moisturize the body: licorice, as it works to relieve pain and swelling, and lemon, as it helps to balance the nervous system.

·   Deep breathing: Deep breathing helps to get more oxygen to reach every cell in the body, which helps you reduce the severity of the disease without needing movement.

·       Exercise: As there are some sports that help relieve sciatica pain and reduce it more than sleeping, the patient can sleep the first two or three days of the disease, but too much sleep after that may lead to greater problems, so care must be taken to perform these exercises and practice swimming and walking

Rest, no effort and sleeping on a wooden bed

·      Hot and ice compresses: As hot or cold compresses help relieve pain, as they are placed on the place of pain for 20 minutes and then repeated every two hours

·       Take over-the-counter painkillers.

Your doctor may also recommend other treatments if home remedies don't work, such as giving injections around the nerve to reduce inflammation.

He may also prescribe certain medications, analgesics and ointments to help relieve pain, especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or COX-2 inhibitors.


Studies have proven that most patients recover without any therapeutic intervention, but this is due to the psychological factor, and some studies conducted on some people with the disease have proven by giving them medication and they have been deluded that it is to treat the disease and they have been completely cured of the disease without any therapeutic intervention.

Physical Therapy:

It's another option for treating sciatic nerve pain. Your physiotherapist can teach you exercises to help you overcome sciatic nerve pain.

Eighty to ninety percent of patients with sciatic nerve pain improve without surgery, but surgery is still possible if the pain is severe and other treatments don't work.

Prevention of sciatic nerve pain:

There are some steps you can take to reduce your risk of a herniated disc or back injury that can lead to sciatic nerve pain. This includes:

• Improved positioning and lifting techniques at work.

• Stretching before and after exercise.

• Regular and simple exercise to improve flexibility.

• If your work requires you to sit for long periods, you should make sure to take at least 5 or 10 minutes of rest every two hours to exercise or walk.

• You should always pay attention to any back pain, especially in the lower back, and work to treat it as soon as possible.

• If there is a genetic history of the disease in the family, you should follow up with a specialist doctor to avoid contracting the disease before you get it

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